Thursday, July 17, 2008

When will the MADNESS end?

Today in Seattle's U-District police raided a medical marijuana coop Lifevine & stole 12 ounces of medicine and the medical records and medical authorizations of hundreds of patients, this is an outrage. I encourage everyone to contact your congressman and other officials and tell them this we won't tolerate this behavior anymore, it's time for them to really enforce the laws past by the voters in 1998 and the revision last year concerning a 60 day supply which even now the revised amount is 24 ounces twice as much as was stolen today. What does it take to keep patients safe from this type of harassment when those that are supposed to protect & serve are the very one's we need protecting from. This is absolute insanity. We have governor and LEO practicing medicine and giving input to the 60 day supply issue when it should be done scientifically as it originally and leave the medical issues to the patients and their Dr.
President Bush and the rest of the war monger's and liars have got to be held accountable for for these atrocities against the citizen's of this country. The WAr isn't working other than to help fill the coffers of he greedy feds DEA and the state county and local law enforcement they can steal and aren't held accountable. Many patients have suffered at the hands of these criminals. If we were to treat people the way any of the agencies treat patients by refusing this medicine and arresting them causing more suffering we would be charged with abusing assault, and other criminal charges while these officers and I use the word lightly more like gestapo who aren't held accountable get pats on the back and congratulations for causing this suffering. What's Wrong with this picture. Where is the justice, compassion and treating others the way we want to be treated. I pray none of these people have to suffer like many of us do on a daily basis but if they should then hopefully our diligence will have paid off and they won't have to experience what we do, even though the Law RCW69.51A is on our side making it legal for patients with a Dr's authorization. If those in office don't stop this madness once and for all, then they need to be replaced.
God gave us this Gift, who is man to take it away.
Please visit, for current information about medical marijuana, also to find out what other law enforcement says about the truth about the madness called prohibition, and to take back our country from the crooks in office now. Each of us is responsible for ending this madness. Peace

1 comment:

LightnFast said...

Hey Greg, after our last visit to Trinity, took a look at the blogs and they are rather eloquent and passionate. Well done. Greg and I (Scott) were wondering if we might be able to visit you up in Trinity again in the near future, very near in fact, we head out on our next tour on Friday, perhaps we could see you tomorrow eh? If you get this in time email me at Peace brother, take care up there.